Khary Penebaker has created actual jobs by growing a commercial roofing company from three to fifty employees in a few short years. Innovative businesses should be resources for local employment, and driver economic opportunities.
Khary has proposed three new tax incentives, because our hardworking small business owners have wanted to create jobs for years, yet have struggled to afford to do so while Congress has done nothing to help.
FRESH OPPORTUNITY TAX CREDIT: A tax credit for small businesses to hire released former felons, giving those that have made mistakes a fresh start at paying taxes and becoming whole citizens. By providing job opportunities, we can reduce recidivism rates and establish ways for people to rebuild their lives.
FIRST JOB TAX CREDIT: A tax credit for small businesses to hire new college and technical school graduates, so they can immediately get ahead of their student loan debt and begin building their futures.
CHILDCARE-TO-BUSINESS TAX CREDIT: An entrepreneur tax credit encouraging parents to resume their careers as small business owners, and to help them grow their businesses from the kitchen table to the warehouse floor.